Sunday, December 19, 2004

What would Andrei Codrescu do?

I’ve been eating fried pig skin lately. In some parts of the world it would be called chicharrones. In other parts of the world it would be called fried pig skin. Or maybe fried pig fat. No matter. It is fried, made of pig skin or fat, and quite tasty in its own way.

However, it did get me to wondering, what the wisest soul since Red Barber would say about all this. Of course, that would be Andrei Codrescu. I wondered what Andrei would do. I can only wonder, for I have neither the insight nor intellect as the saged AC. So, I drifted off to sleep…with the words of Andrei coming to me as I dozed.

“This morning I awoke in a state of near delirium from a night of too much eating and drinking. My tongue was covered by a herd of a thousand tiny sheep. But they weren’t ordinary sheep, mind you. They were sheep that had dipped their thousands of tiny sheep hooves in fried pig fat and chili peppers, with just a hint of lime. They were herding themselves up and down my tongue, waiting for me to wake up so they could start reminding me that I should never again spend the evening with friends who encourage me to drink too many beers that are the color of motor oil while munching small bits of fried pig fat accompanied by the incidental cigarette.

These sheep knew exactly what they were doing. They were wandering up and down my tongue, stomping their tiny sheep hooves in between my taste buds and telling me ‘you shouldn’t do that. There are much better things in life to eat than fried pig fat.’

After several minutes of waiting for the sheep to settle down and go somewhere more interesting to them, I realized that they were not leaving, and that I would have to deal with these sheep on their own terms. ‘I will fool them,’ I thought. 'These sheep are not in control. This is my tongue and they have no right to be here.'

I went to the kitchen to find the most appealing and alluring kind of sheep food that I had. With the kitchen mostly empty, it turned out to be a tin of anchovies. (It was either that or water crackers. I figured that miniature sheep would prefer tiny salted fish.) ‘Ha! This will fix the little devils!' I thought to myself. I opened the tin of anchovies and held it up to my mouth, sticking my tongue out just a bit, in order to make a small sheep ramp for the sheep to exit on.

I waited.

In a few moments I realized that the sheep were not buying it. They were all still back on my tongue, marching in circles and practicing their halftime routines for when they got called up to major league football.

I decided that there was nothing to do but to call in extra forces. I eyed my coffee pot, which was still gurgling with its morning effort to squeeze out a bit of caffeine for my breakfast.

‘If anchovies can’t get these little devils, then perhaps some very hot coffee will.’ I poured a cup.

Throwing the contents of the cup into my mouth, I began to swirl it back and forth and from side to side. It was at this moment that I realized that I was in enormous pain. I spit the hot coffee into the sink and muttered, ‘damned sheep.’

Turning my eye back toward the coffee pot, I noticed the half eaten bag of fried pig fat chunks. I thought, ‘what the hell’ and popped a spicy, crunchy pig fat bit into my mouth. The thousand tiny sheep became instantly quiet, except for the bleating noise of ‘more beer.’ I had won the battle, and lost the war.”

Squirrel Boy on the Beach Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Random thoughts

If they had a sheriff's assistant in charge of looking for nerve gas, would he be the "Sarindeputy?"

Monday, December 06, 2004

Doctors Orders

My doctor called today. Said I needed to lower my cholesterol which is just a smidge above normal.

His recommendation: Low fat diet and moderate exercise on a daily basis.

My response: Said "OK, definitely. I'll change my lifestyle immediately."

Dinner tonight: Large combo pizza with all the trimmings, plus some anchovies. I figure pizza is low fat, and does represent the 4 food groups, one of which is beer.

Wait a minute. Do you really need any other food groups besides pizza and beer? OK, maybe sushi once a week, but that's about it. OK, and maybe some plum wine and/or Courvosier.

This is my brother. Here he is trying to look evil, wearing a reflective piece of tape on his upper lip. I'm sure that doctors have a name for this condition, but I don't know what it is. He wanted to be called Khan whilst wearing this. Andre Codrescu would probably like it. Posted by Hello

Is that James Dean or is it Wayne Frampton?? Who can tell? Even I get confused sometimes! Posted by Hello

This is my grandfather holding the winner of the 1947 Washington State "Ugly Baby" contest. The winner's mother received a one year supply of creamed corn and a paper bag which she could place over the baby's head when it just got to be too much to bear. Posted by Hello

This is the late Max Yost looking rather annoyed. Poor Max died on November 12th, 2004, when struck by a car. He wasn't looking to do no one no harm at all. Posted by Hello

Auto repairs

You know, for $400 you would think they would troubleshoot and fix problems. Nope. Everything that is outside of the general service is extra. Rather irritating. "Hey, we noticed your PCV valve is sticking. You want us to replace that? It's only $40.00. "

Shouldn't that be part of routine maintenance? Commies.


Well, I thought I better add something more to this blog. No particular reason, just that it exists, so I better do it. It's colder than Moses' ass here today.
AND it's supposed to snow again tonight.

So far today has been really exciting. I'm doing laundry and having my car worked on. Oh, and I made this blog.

Kilye and Kyle at the Oregon Coast, December 2002 Posted by Hello

Posing on the golf course, River Bend GC, Wilder ID, 2002 Posted by Hello

Chapter One: The Beginning

Well, this is the first entry to my new blog. I hope it turns out to be interesting, but perhaps not. Today is December 6th, 2004, about 12:19.

It's currently snowing here...big fluffy white flakes. Yikes. I just looked out and it's not only snowing, it is a blizzard! So much for golf today! I really should take a picture of the snow. One second.

Anyway, I just returned yesterday from visiting my lovely girlfriend in California. We played golf in the cold, and ate a bunch of sushi and some other good stuff. We found a new sushi bar (new to us) in Alameda called Kamakura. Definitely top notch sushi. We've been going for a couple of years to a sushi bar in Walnut Creek, but this one is far superior. Unfortunately, the folks at this new one don't know us, so there's not the feeling that you're visiting friends. No tours of the back rooms and showing off of improvements being made like the owner of the Walnut Creek place would give us. No personal set of chopsticks, we don't know the customers or the names of the chefs, and they didn't automatically start preparing our favorite appetizer: grilled salmon cheeks. That's ok. We'll still visit the old place from time to time, but the food at Kamakura was definitely better.

We had some very nice Mirugai, and the ankimo and uni were extremely fresh and delicious. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

Snowing on Monday! Posted by Hello