Monday, December 06, 2004

Chapter One: The Beginning

Well, this is the first entry to my new blog. I hope it turns out to be interesting, but perhaps not. Today is December 6th, 2004, about 12:19.

It's currently snowing here...big fluffy white flakes. Yikes. I just looked out and it's not only snowing, it is a blizzard! So much for golf today! I really should take a picture of the snow. One second.

Anyway, I just returned yesterday from visiting my lovely girlfriend in California. We played golf in the cold, and ate a bunch of sushi and some other good stuff. We found a new sushi bar (new to us) in Alameda called Kamakura. Definitely top notch sushi. We've been going for a couple of years to a sushi bar in Walnut Creek, but this one is far superior. Unfortunately, the folks at this new one don't know us, so there's not the feeling that you're visiting friends. No tours of the back rooms and showing off of improvements being made like the owner of the Walnut Creek place would give us. No personal set of chopsticks, we don't know the customers or the names of the chefs, and they didn't automatically start preparing our favorite appetizer: grilled salmon cheeks. That's ok. We'll still visit the old place from time to time, but the food at Kamakura was definitely better.

We had some very nice Mirugai, and the ankimo and uni were extremely fresh and delicious. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!


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