Saturday, June 25, 2005

I thought this was a female house finch. Now I'm not so sure.

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Male house finch. "Yeah, life is good and I'm about ready for a nap." This little guy just about fell asleep several times whilst eating. I swear this isn't going to turn into a bird blog. I'm just having fun seeing who visits. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yes, we're all going to get sick to death of bird pics. I think this a female house finch. She looks like she could use more food. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

Behold the power of Nikon: this guy/gal is definitely posing (on my deck) this afternoon. No effects or enhancements here, just plain bird stuff. Remember, you can always click on the pic for a larger image. Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Just Remember

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

On Turning 45

Well, I turned 45 on Wednesday. This gives rise to some reflection, as I'm now officially old. Fortunately for those that may read this drivel, I don't have anything profound to share. Other than that I wish I wasn't so old, and that I don't look forward to getting any older. Retirement is frightening to me, because I can't afford to retire, so I will have to work until I'm too old to do so, and then live on social security and eat cat food (or maybe dog food, I haven't decided. But I do like sushi, so maybe cat food would be better. You can get fish flavored cat food, you know.)
Suffice it to say that I'm not real keen on this aging stuff, especially when I have no prospects for improving my life. I'm honestly not whining, just being realistic.
If I can express one bit of wisdom: Don't get old. It will kill you in the end.

This is the picture that I meant to upload. Picked the wrong one before. Posted by Hello

It's no wonder I can't play golf. Just look at that form, or lack thereof. Posted by Hello

My Sister's horse, Tony Posted by Hello

Coeur D' Alene, ID at the docks.... Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005


So I have been tagged, but I don't know what it means. I think I'm supposed to answer a series of questions, to wit:

Your favorite band/artist:
1. Nat King Cole
2. Bob Marley
3. Bob Wills
4. The Dresden Dolls
5. This isn't really fair. I have so many favorites. It would probably take me 200 or so to list them.

Your hobbies/interests:
1. Playing golf
2. Photography
3. Writing
4. Music (as a consumer)

Things that scare you:
1. Heights
2. My dreams about a scary house
3. Global warming (but I'll be dead)
4. Being reincarnated in a dead world from global warming run by Karl Rove.

Your favorite fiction writers:
1. Harper Lee
2. Gunther Grass
3. Junichiro Tanizaki
4. Kenzaburo Oe

Your three celebrity crushes:
1. Michelle Pfeiffer
2. Michelle Pfeiffer
3. Michelle Pfeiffer

What you are wearing right now:
1. Golf shirt
2. Jeans
3. Reebok cross trainers
4. Misc. socks and underwear

What you want in a relationship:
1. Independence
2. Common interests
3. Independence
4. Wit and a strong urge to play golf all the time

Your everyday essentials:
1. NPR
2. Golf or thinking of golf
3. Plenty of sleep
4. A wee bit of music whilst on the computer

Your drugs of choice:
1. Blood pressure meds
2. Baby aspirin
3. Vitamins
4. Beer (good beer)